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NAB 2024: Adobe会谈首映Pro人工智能音频工作流程更新

Adobe Senior Product Manager Kylee Peña discusses and demos new audio workflow updates in Premiere Pro 旨在节省时间,减少鼠标的使用,在这个采访 Streaming Media's Marc Franklin in the Adobe booth at NAB 2024.

Adobe Senior Product Manager Kylee Peña discusses and demos new audio workflow updates in Premiere Pro 旨在节省时间,减少鼠标的使用,在这个采访 Streaming Media's Marc Franklin in the Adobe booth at NAB 2024. These include new visual fade handles, audio category tagging, updated effects badges, and redesigned clip colors. The AI automatically recognizes audio clips as dialogue, music, sound effects, or ambience. 这些更新还使访问Premiere Pro中已有的音频工具变得更加容易, such as Enhanced Speech, Auto Ducking, Remix, and loudness matching. 这些新功能目前还在测试阶段,但很快就会发布.

Marc Franklin: 这是马克·富兰克林在NAB 2024的Adobe展位为百家乐软件app最新版下载, and we're going to talk to Senior Product Marketing Manager Kylee Peña about some of the new features in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Kylee Peña: 我们真的很高兴在Premiere Pro中带来一些新的音频工作流程更新, 这些真的会节省人们的时间,减少鼠标的里程,因为. Before you're just dragging the mouse all around and it takes a lot of clicks to find exactly what you need. I got into editing to be a picture editor, not an audio person, so I need a little help in that regard. So this really helps to focus on the tools that are most relevant to your audio sound type.

这是我很喜欢的时间线, we have new visual fade handles, 我把它放大一点,这样你们能看得更清楚一点. 之前你必须在这里右键单击或拖动一个过渡, now you can drag this little box and just add a visual fade so you can change how long it is and how much it ramps up. Yes. And then also if you go down here, you can cross fade across different clips, so can drag across as well. So now I have all of these indications of the timeline and I can see exactly what's going on and I have an idea of the volume and the nature of the fade and everything like that. So that's super handy.

Marc Franklin: 它会取代音频过渡的图标吗?

Kylee Peña: Yes it does. Isn't it so much prettier? And it's a lot more useful. The other thing that is fabulous about this release is audio category tagging powered by aAI. 所以当你在序列中添加一个片段时, an audio clip, 它会自动识别为对话, music, sound effects or ambiance, and it adds this helpful little icon. So you can visually scan here, I can see this is dialogue, this is sound effects, and so on. But even better is you can click on that and it'll pop open the essential sound panel right here. 它有与音频类型最相关的工具. 所以我可以直接进入增强语音音量,修复,所有的东西. And it's contextual. So when I change over to sound effects, 我也看到了一些最可能用于音效的东西. 所以它真的能帮助你更快地得到一个很好的混音. With the tools that are right here, 你不需要深入研究一堆不同的效果来达到这一点.

Marc Franklin: 调出你拥有音频转场的旧项目, will it automatically convert to this?

Kylee Peña: Yes. So, we also updated the effects badges. 在这里,如果我把鼠标悬停在这里,我可以看到添加了哪些效果. 我可以右键点击,直接在这里添加效果. 点击添加效果就会打开效果窗口, 或者我可以点击这个,它会打开效果控制面板. So now I can come in here, I see this has a pitch shifter, so I can adjust that in here. So I can go into the rich in deep audio mixing tools that are already in Premiere through that much easier. We've also redesigned the clip colors. 我们的颜色更容易辨认,而且非常鲜艳. And you'll notice the waveform scale with the track height before when you would collapse the tracks. That kind of turned into a bunch of Tetris blocks, which are cool, but not really useful.

但是现在波形随着你的上下变化而变化,这真的很棒. So those are all things that are in beta right now and they're going to be coming to Premiere Pro very soon. Also makes it a lot easier to see all the great audio tools that are already in Premiere Pro, like Enhanced Speech, Auto Ducking, remix and loudness matching. 因此,它应该帮助每个人得到他们的最终组合和更少的点击, reduce mouse mileage, and get a great sounding mix faster. 即使你在Premiere之外做最后的混音, this helps your offline edit sound good. So you can sell the edit, get to the point where it can then be finished by someone else. 所以这听起来真的很不错,它能让人们沉浸在故事和工艺中.

Marc Franklin: So is there anything that you can think of that where people want to go into Audition instead of doing in Premiere?

Kylee Peña: Of course you can jump over into Audition. 我们还保留着这个功能,我们正在尝试将一些关键工具引入Premiere, so you don't have to, 但是你可以使用更深层的音频工具. For example, with Remix, you can go a little deeper there, 有些人只想进去画出频率之类的东西. But for everyone else, you can stick around in Premiere and get quite a bit further now too. 这是在测试中,但它将很快在下一个版本中发布.

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